
股票代碼 002937

Automotive Components

Automotive Electronic Components is the general term of vehicle body electronic devices and on-board electronic devices, including battery control system, vehicle electronic control unit, motor control system, intelligent cabin and applications in the intelligent connected vehicle.

会同县| 岚皋县| 油尖旺区| 开封市| 千阳县| 枝江市| 开平市| 三亚市| 辰溪县| 宝兴县| 稷山县| 松潘县| 威信县| 桂阳县| 云和县| 友谊县| 晴隆县| 玛纳斯县| 巧家县| 南丹县| 湄潭县| 二连浩特市| 威海市| 通州市| 石城县| 沧源| 洪泽县| 澄城县| 凤城市| 朝阳县| 荥经县| 余姚市| 化德县| 汝阳县| 张家口市| 论坛| 奎屯市| 巴彦淖尔市| 通城县| 开原市| 花莲市|